Since establishment in 1998, Polycell provides solution for your grouting and waterproofing needs. Polycell specializes in supply of polyurethane grouts, machines and accessories, PU blanket grouting, PU slab jacking, marine float, spray foam insulation and equipment, cement plaster bonding glue and all types of bonding agent.
Polycell designs and supply a variety of injectable polyurethane grout system for water leakage and infiltration in basement, tunnel, dam, water retaining structure, roof slab, PU foam for motorway and highway encapsulation and soil stabilization, slab jacking, packaging, insulation and marine usage. Polycell also designs unique foam for different types of engineering’s purposes and specifications. Polycell provides full range of PU grouting injection equipment and accessories beside technical training.
Our products and services are the best in the industry as we provide full assistance to the success and completion of projects.